Med Shield News Updates

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  • Some Things You Need to Check When Reviewing Your Medical Aid Quotes
    Obtaining medical aid quotes could hardly be simpler, but you will need to take more care when choosing the best option for you and your family. Recent years have seen most countries affected by supply shortages and repeated price hikes, and South Africa is no exception. Consequently, many of our… Read more »
  • Some Things to Consider When You Compare Medical Aids
    South Africa has been experiencing a period of economic difficulties. Many consumers must now think twice about whether to purchase some items or to first do some comparative window shopping. It makes good sense to check the relative prices of branded goods at competing supermarkets. However, it is crucial to… Read more »
  • Medical Aid Scheme Comparisons are a Useful Step
    When in the market for a used car, few prospective buyers would simply opt for the cheapest. A roadworthy certificate can be reassuring but it is not a guarantee of long-term performance. There are also many sound reasons to purchase the vehicle from an established dealer rather than some dubious… Read more »
  • Key Points to Consider When Conducting a Medical Aid Comparison in South Africa
    Comparative shopping makes sense. However, when conducting a medical aid comparison, it will pay you to look both at the product and the company behind it. Sadly, the medical aid industry in South Africa, which once boasted over 200 companies, has since dwindled to less than half that number. The… Read more »
  • How to Find and Understand Medical Aid Quotes
    If we needed a reminder of how tenuous our health can be, few things could have been more effective than the recent COVID-19 Pandemic. Usually healthy men and women found themselves seriously ill and fighting for their lives overnight, while others lost their lives. Not surprisingly, many of those previously… Read more »
  • How to Conduct a Meaningful Hospital Plan Comparison
    Assistance with private healthcare expenses is essential for most South Africans. Equipment and medication costs have continued to rise annually, making it increasingly difficult for medical aid schemes to keep their products affordable. Their solution has been to offer products that provide only limited cover, for example, restricted to periods… Read more »
  • Factors to Consider When Checking Medical Aid Quotes
    Perhaps you are newly independent and now responsible for paying your healthcare costs. Alternatively, you may already have some cover but are looking for a better deal. Either way, you will probably want to compare several medical aid quotes before making any binding decisions. At one time, you would have needed to… Read more »
  • Will a Hospital Plan Meet Your Private Healthcare Needs?
    While the Covid-19 pandemic has taken many lives and caused widespread disruption, it has also taught us a valuable lesson. We should never take our health for granted. Most of us can generally cope with the odd cold or a bout of flu by dosing ourselves with affordable over-the-counter medications… Read more »
  • Why It is Important to Obtain and Compare Medical Aid Quotes
    Few South Africans can afford private healthcare without financial support, but obtaining several medical aid quotes is essential before joining a scheme. Given that we are currently in the grip of a global recession and battling rampant inflation, it is understandable that so many are seeking ways to save a… Read more »
  • What to Look for when Receiving Medical Aid Quotes
    Perhaps you are not among those lucky individuals who receive assistance with private healthcare expenses under an employer’s group scheme. In that case, your only option will be to join one of the twenty open schemes currently operating in South Africa. Naturally, you will want to make some comparisons before… Read more »

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