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- 5 Effective Ways to Improve E-Waste Management and RecyclingArguably, e-waste is fast becoming the defining issue of our age. Sure, plastics are a huge problem, and the true impact of our plastic production and consumption is only now coming to light. However, recent shifts in attitudes towards single-use packaging and other forms of non-recyclable plastics seems to be… Read more »
- Climate Change Impacts on Public Health: Perspectives for Arab WorldClimate change is not only affecting the economies of Arab world but also having detrimental impacts on the very fabric of society, through threats to public health and livelihoods. Climate change in the Arab world is also exacerbating social inequalities, hitting the rural poor the hardest. This is not a… Read more »
- Energy Efficiency Implementation in GCC’s Residential Sector: Actions and Technical RequirementsThe huge existing stock of residential units in the GCC region, and the expected growth in residential construction projects, convey different challenges at the time of energy efficiency implementation. New developments require the definition and the enforcement of standards to be included at the design process; while owners and users… Read more »
- المبيدات الزراعية الكيماويةعمل الإنسان منذ عصور قديمة على إفساد البيئة التي يعيش فيها وأخل بتوازنها وجلب لنفسه مخاطر ومشاكل عديدة لم يقدر على تحملها ، من جراء كثرة الملوثات مثل نفايات المصانع والمنازل والمزارع ومخلفات المدن والمواد البلاستيكية ووسائل النقل والمبيدات والأسمدة …وتعتبر المبيدات الزراعية من أهم وأخطر ملوثات البيئة فهي مواد… Read more »
- كيف يتغير سعر البيتكوين مقابل الدولار وأين يتجه في المستقبلشهدت البيتكوين تطورًا كبيرًا منذ إطلاقها عام 2009، حيث أصبحت واحدة من أكثر الأصول الرقمية جذبًا للمستثمرين والمضاربين. ومع تزايد الاهتمام العالمي بالعملات الرقمية، أصبح قياس سعر البيتكوين مقابل الدولار مؤشرًا رئيسيًا لحالة السوق واتجاهاته المستقبلية. فلا يكاد يمر يوم دون أن يتابع المستثمرون والمتداولون التقلبات السعرية للبيتكوين، التي قد… Read more »
- Solid Waste Management in JordanJordan is an emerging and stable economy in the Middle East. The growing industrialization and high population growth rate has led to rapid increase in solid waste generation in the country which has, in turn, put increasing pressure in waste management infrastructure. Around 2 million tons of municipal waste is… Read more »
- الصحة المناخية – مصطلح جديد وضرورةلا ادري ان يصح إطلاق تعبير ” الصحة المناخية” لكنني استوحيته من دراستي الجامعية حيث تخصصت بالصحة البيئية ومن بعدها ماجستير العلوم البيئية. فكما ترتكز الصحة البيئية على دراسة تأثير البيئة على صحة الإنسان وتأثير الإنسان على البيئة. فإن ايضا الصحة المناخية أعني بها تأثير التغير المناخي على صحة الإنسان… Read more »
- Taking Steps to a More Environmentally-Friendly Home LifeClimate change is a fact, it’s manufactured, and the effects will only grow more pronounced. Although most of the harm from human activity is caused by a few major corporations, this is still an impossible situation to adapt to without individual action. To this end, more minor changes around the… Read more »
- The Role of Transformative Green Hotels in Sustainable TourismThe global tourism industry is significantly shifting towards sustainability, driven by rising environmental awareness and a demand for responsible travel. Hotels, as significant components of the tourism ecosystem, are at the forefront of this transformation. The recent opening of IHG’s voco Zeal Exeter Science Park in the UK marks a… Read more »
- Microplastics – A Threat to Food Production at the Base Level of PhotosynthesisMicroplastics are everywhere and we need to know the impacts of these tiny plastic particles. These tiny particles are in our water, our food, in the air, in the soil, in the plants. Everywhere is anywhere and anywhere is everywhere. What are microplastics? Broken down plastic objects and items that… Read more »
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