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  • AWS Cloud Resume Challenge
    Cloud infrastructure was always a field that interested me, even though I didn't fully grasp what it actually is. Currently I am pursuing an associates for network services technology and along the way decided to also pursue a enterprise cloud computing certificate to bolster my knowledge. I started this project… Read more »
  • Cloud Transformation: A Roadmap for the Future
    As organizations strive to remain competitive in the digital age, cloud transformation has emerged as a pivotal strategy. This journey involves more than just shifting resources to the cloud; it encompasses a comprehensive reevaluation of how businesses deploy, manage, and leverage technology to drive growth and innovation. Drawing on CloudBees'… Read more »
  • How do you use git rebase? Let's go through one use case
    I have been making these short (1 to 5-minute) videos covering a specific topic that I use daily or frequently. I have been posting them to my YouTube channel but they have not gained much traction over there so, I thought I would share them here along with an extended… Read more »
  • CVPR 2024 Datasets and Benchmarks - Part 1: DatasetsCVPR 2024 Datasets and Benchmarks - Part 1: Datasets
    Author: Harpreet Sahota (Hacker in Residence at Voxel51) CVPR, the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, is the Coachella Festival of computer vision. Just like any music festival needs its headliners, deep learning needs its rockstars: datasets and benchmarks.  Over the years, these have played a massive role… Read more »
  • From College to Work: How to Build an Online Advantage and Ace Your First Tech Job InterviewFrom College to Work: How to Build an Online Advantage and Ace Your First Tech Job Interview
    (Or: How a Grumpy Old-Timer can help you get a cool job) Note: This is an updated version of a post I wrote in 2018, after two days of interviewing people - some references were updated, and the tone changed, but the main idea is here So, what you feared… Read more »
  • Exploring Numeric Data Types in Rust and Go
    Introduction The comprehensive yet strict static type systems provided by Rust and Go, modern compiled systems programming languages that are closer to the metal than other dynamically typed scripting languages such as Python or JavaScript, allow one to deterministically declare sized variables as well as unsized, architecture dependent variables. The… Read more »
  • AI enthusiasm #7 - Build an AI-powered Telegram Bot!🤖
    Background Sometimes I just wonder: what if my PDFs could chat with me? It would make things much more easier, I would enjoy my studying more and I would have less doubts, as talking to them would make information clearer and simpler to find. This is indeed possible, but generally… Read more »
  • Your Name Is Not AdministratorYour Name Is Not Administrator
    If you've worked with command prompt before, you know that when you run it as administrator, you can use it to point to a specific file and open it. In this case, I was testing out my memory by opening Chrome through command prompt. When I typed and tabbed everything… Read more »
  • Top Cross Browser Testing Challenges Fixing Them
    Ensuring a seamless user experience across various browsers and devices is paramount for the success of web applications. This necessity brings to the forefront the critical process of cross-browser testing. It is a method to validate and ensure that a website or app functions as intended across different browser environments.… Read more »


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